I am a working wife,homeschooling mother of 2 awesome children, couponer, blogger and lover of God. Like everyone else we live on a tight budget and couponing is what keeps food on the table. And in case you hadn't guessed we live on what we call "the farm." With two chocolate labs and several roaming chickens. Helping others is important to me, and this is the best way I know how. I hope that this blog helps someone in some way.
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Friday, August 5, 2011
$15 for $30 at The Rib-Eye Steak & Seafood House
The Rib-Eye Steakhouse is located on Zero Sreet in Fort Smith, across the street from KFC, in that general area. I have only eaten there one time, and the food was pretty good.
If you're interested in buying this deal or signing up to receive the emails from Southwest Times Record about future deals, go to www.swtimes.com and click the box labeled "Click Here to Sign Up For Cool Deals" inside the "Cool Deals" box at the right side of the screen. You may have to scroll down a little to see the box.
Local Newspaper Articles About Extreme Couponing
I thought you all might find these articles interesting. They were written about local extreme couponers.
Local Frugal Family Takes Us Extreme Couponing (Fayetteville, AR)
http://www.4029tv.com/news/28546226/detail.htmlExtreme Couponer Charged With Stealing Local Newspapers (Lowell, AR)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wow! I'm so far behind on letting anyone know!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Head and Shoulders Shampoo/Conditioner for $2.50 at Walgreen's
Head and Shoulders shampoo/conditioner/2-in-1 (14.7) oz on sale: 2 for $8
Minus $2.00 in Register Rewards = 2 for $6
Minus (2) 50-cent coupons from this past Sunday's Proctor & Gamble insert = 2 for $5 ($2.50 each)
I wanted to verify if using a coupon for an item that we must buy to earn Register Rewards would still let us receive the Register Rewards. It did!
FYI - This exact size Head & Shoulders 2-in-1 at Wal-Mart on Zero Street in Ft. Smith is $4.78, a savings of $2.28 per bottle.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Growing Kids Sale
Check out what all the moms are talking about! The Growing Kids Spring Sale is coming up SOON!
Reasons to Shop
- Low Prices - Consignors generally price their items between 20-30% of retail - that's a 70-80%+ savings for you! And don't forget half-price day, when many remaining items are 50% off!
- Quality items - We all know our little ones grow so fast that many items never get touched! Growing Kids makes every effort to only accept quality items without blemishes or excessive wear, so you'll know your selection is exceptional!
- Large Selection - with hundreds of consignors and 45,000 square feet filled with everything for babies and kids, you'll be sure to find what you're looking for - a ONE-STOP shopping extravaganza!
- Merchandise Variety - Not only do we accept anything and everything related to kids, you'll find multiples of items and a span of many brands to choose from. We carry sizes newborn to a boys/girls size 20. See below for a more detailed list of what you'll find at Growing Kids!
- Ease of Shopping - Unlike yard sales, you won't be sorting through boxes or piles of clothing. Our clothing is all hung on clothing racks, separated by gender and size, with matching tags in the same location on each piece, much like you'd find in a retail store!
- Convenient Hours & Location - Our hours are designed to give everyone a convenient opportunity to shop, including daytime, evening and weekend hours, and admission and parking are FREE!
Here are some GREAT testimonies from our shoppers:
"Thank you so much for providing this sale. Dollars have to stretch at our house these days and with three boys we were able to get them nice/clean clothing at reasonable prices. The Lord willing, we will be participating in the fall sale! Thank you again and may God bless your ministry."
"I have to say I LOVE your sale! It's such a wonderful place to get everything I need for my daughter! I travel every season from
"I just wanted to tell you how appreciative we are that you take the time to put together such a rewarding and helpful event for families. You guys do a fantastic job and I know it's a lot of work."
"Shopping the sale is something I look forward to every fall and spring. I think the sale is extremely efficient and organized. I can't wait for the spring sale. I already have my mental list of things I hope to buy. :)"
"I just want to share how much I appreciate "Growing Kids"! I have been shopping consignment shops and looking for bargains all my life. I discovered "Growing Kids" this year, and I have never experienced such quality items, so reasonably priced, displayed in such an organized manner, by such professional people. I will be back every six months to work, consign and shop "with friends"! You guys are awesome!! THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID THIS WEEK! IT WAS WONDERFUL!"
"We had a great time!! I bought clothes for 4 grandkids and spent $155.00. Including a few toys too. Happy we have GKS!!!! With all the improvements they made can't wait for the next sale!!"
"I got some super cute outfits for my 6mo old daughter for summer! Plus a bouncer and infant toys all for $32.50!!"
New Printable Coupons at Coupons.com
Jacque told me ...