Jacque told me a while back to make sure I walk around a store I am in. They sometimes have clearance items and things on sale that are not in the paper. Boy! am I glad she gave me that advice!
$58.59 value for $12.37 (but I also recieved 2 $5 rewards) So, spent $2 to get almost $60.
The cereal was in the add paper 4/$10, used a $1.25/3, and got the $5 reward. So was like spending .94 per box =-)
The breakfast bars were the same exact deal =-) The coupon only shows cereal but they took it for the bars. Woohoo! and those were NOT advertised in the paper.
Rubbermaid containers were advertised at 2/$5 but they rung up at 1/$1.99. Used my coupon $1/2. Got all 8 containers for $3.
I'm still learning but having a great time doing it. Thank you so much Jacque for all the lessons.
I am very proud to see this and very jealous. I am missing couponing. But enjoying the time with my family very much! You are doing great Hope!