Homeland Coupon Policy
CV's - I have a printed copy of CV's policy that states that they will double 2 like coupons up to and including $.50 as long as the coupon does not say DO NOT DOUBLE. They DO NOT accept internet coupons. If you ask at customer service they should give you a copy of their policy.
Marvin's Grocery
Harps Coupon Policy:
At Harps we know how important it is for you to maximize every dollar you spend with us. Coupons are a big part of that. For your convenience we have outlined our policies below.
Manufacturer’s Coupons:
* Limit 2 “like” coupons
* 1 coupon per item
* Limit of 20 doubled coupons per family, per visit, per day.
*Store associates are not responsible for the sequence in which the coupons scanned.
* We cannot give cash back if the face value of a coupon is greater than the purchase value of the item. This balance of the coupon cannot be used towards the remaining balance of the transaction.
* We cannot accept coupons from other retailers, or coupons for products not carried in our stores.
Internet Coupon Policy:
•We will not accept internet coupons for $5.00 or more.
•We will not accept internet coupons that do not scan or that appear altered in any way. They must have a bar code that will scan.
•We will not accept internet coupons for “free” items, but will accept them for “buy one-get one free” items.
•We will not accept internet coupons whose value exceeds 60% of the price of the item.
•We will not accept photo copies of coupons.
Harp's reserves the right to refuse any coupon or limit quantities.
They will ad match CV's if the product you are interested in is in both the Harps and CV's ad and CV's has it cheaper.
Price Cutter - Price Cutter will double coupons up to and including $.60. They do accept internet coupons and they will ad match CV's without it being in their ad.
Dollar General Coupon Policy
Target Coupon Policy
Walgreen's Coupon Policy
Wal-Mart Coupon Policy
Wal-Mart Ad Match Policy
It is important to keep coupon policy information with you while you are shopping. If a discrepancy were to come up it would be best for you to be able to have this information in front of you before deciding to point out an issue at check out. I have also found that even just saying that I have it with me and reaching for it has made cashiers less argumentative. Be sure you have studied them and understand them. Also please follow the rules set out on the policy. The stores that double coupons don't have to, they do it by choice to allow us the chance to save more. They don't always get reimbursed for the doubled amount.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me via email lifeslowland@gmail.com or leave a comment.